Tyrone was fresh off the plane at LA international, [i]It was a nice day to wear shorts[/i] he thought. With a large grin he got into his courtesy limo and told the driver to take him to up to Camp Pendleton. His childhood friend, Charlie, was there and after the draft he wanted to surprise him. It was going good, the limo just pulled out of L.A. and only 60 miles were left. Tyrone hated car rides and put in his ear buds and just let the music consume him. That's when the car skidded to a stop, "What the fuck man! I almost died." That's when Tyrone saw the driver draped across wheel. He leaned through the little window and shook him. All Tyrone could think say was, "Fuck, this isn't happening." He pulled out his phone and dialed 911. After a moment of waiting the dispatcher just said the line was busy. "Damnit," he said as he slapped the chair and that's when he heard a groan, " Thank the Lord. Are you ok?" Another groan followed then the driver turned to to Tyrone. Happy that the driver was alive Tyrone told him that the line was busy, but he was going to call back. All the driver did was make gutteral sounds. Something seemed very wrong Tyrone thought. His suspicions were confirmed when he began thrash in his seat. Tyrone began to reach foreward to help, but the driver began to to try to bite his hand. He withdrew it quickly, that was the moment when Tyrone looked out the window and saw the walkers who were slowly approaching the limo. Tyrone's mind reverted to the streets and he jumped door checked the nearest zombie and hopped out of the car. He knew the camp was somewhere in north, all he had to do was follow the road, that's not what Tyrone did. He ran and juked out a zombie and headed down the hill trying to escape the few walking towards him. He ran through the sparse trees and was glad he was an athlete. Tyrone knew the road was going to be tough, but nothing prepares you for an outbreak and a 60 mile run. He had to go from place to place, the first time he broke into a house and found a family. They almost killed him, but somehow Tyrone convinced the family to stay for the night. The family never told him about their son who had a raging fever. He still hears their screams in his dreams. Tyrone went looking for food near a convenience store near an apartment building when a group of walkers trapped him in an ally. He was lucky there was a fire escape, however it's ladder was up. Again Tyrone was glad to be a premier athlete as he jumped up and pulled himself up. After spending the night in an apartment he decided to look for supplies after he found an empty backpack. Most of the apartment was cleared out except for a can of peaches and a rack of knives. He carefully wrapped the knives in rags and put them in his bag. The entire 60 mile trip took four days and he arrived at the open gate covered in sweat and fell down in front of the soldiers.