David had to admit, her accent was enticing. He'd never really spent a great deal of time around foreign women even during the wars. 'Beatrix de le Croix' he rolled it over in his mind and thought it was a wonderful name, though Trixy was much easier. Though most Vampires typically had a noble aura about them and behaved as such, David was a fairly hardcore American and was at times a bit brazen and informal. "Lovely name but i think I'll stick with Trixy for now." He returned the smile. "I signed up for this in hopes of making new friends to work with… I don't think I'm doing that well so far." a light hearted chuckle followed her words. "Oh well, perhaps thats for the best. As i said, I'm feeling famished.. care to explore with me?" Still wearing his black and red leather jacket, he put his hands in its pockets and smiled with a nod. "Sounds good. I'd like to get my bearings on this place too." he nodded his head at the door in a gesture that they should head out. David would hold the door like any good gentleman would and wait for her to pass before letting it go. "I've already had dinner for the evening but it'll be good to know where i'll be getting my future meals. And don't worry about making friends, Mikael is a pretty solid guy and I'm easy to get along with. Cant say much for those wolves though, hopefully they'll come around. Mistrust aint good for combat."