You know... Frozen... you're not exactly being fresh yourself. You've gone yellow on a few occasions now, whether its the water and my bird when you clearly weren't joking, you tried to play it off like you were(btw i'm not mad or whatever about it, just pointing it out). Now you're being a smart alek by saying you were referring to a 'someone' and not Aeon when that is clearly who you were attacking. Yo, I'm not trying to raise any more drama, but that's kinda cowardly. If you're going to make a point, or make an insult of some kind why try to back out of it just because someone fights back? You appear to be afraid of conflict despite pissing on everyone else. In fact, you and Aeon were all buddy-buddy before he lashed out at the GM, and only after you saw that he was in trouble with the GM did you seem to suddenly turn on him. It's like you're waiting for it to be okay just to stay on the GM's good side. Look, if you're gonna play teachers pet then at least stay out of arguments that aren't yours. You had no right to go to Aeon and try to talk more smack to him, he already had an earful. Kicking someone who's already been laid down, especially when you have nothing to do with it, is truly unbecoming of anyone.