[Img]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/298/6/3/ghost_rider__johnny_blaze_by_felipesmith-d6rrhhy.jpg[/IMG] [Img]http://oyster.ignimgs.com/wordpress/write.ign.com/117881/2012/05/Charlie-Hunnam1-230x300.jpg[/IMG] Character You Wish To Play: Jonathan Blaze/Ghost Rider Moral Alignment (Hero, Villain, Walking the Line): Walking The Line Affiliation (what group/team/organization, if any, is your character affiliated with?): Hell's Army, God's Bounty Hunter Character Origin & Backstory: Jonathan Blaze had a very rough life growing up, roughed up by the neighborhood kids, roughed up and abused by his father, and damn near forgotten about by his mother. After getting the snot beat out of him by some bullies, he is saved by an off duty cop who soon becomes a type of father figure to him, but said cop is eventually killed by a drug dealer, getting it into Jon's head that he wants to be a cop so others don't become victims of mindless and violent crimes. Fast foward years later and Jon has now made peace Hunnam but tends not to visit) his parents, and is actually married to a secretary at the police station he works at. He's more or less a celebrity because of all the drug busts, domestic abuse avoidances, and other big things criminals have done, but his personal life is far from something that someone should idolize. The stress of the job has driven him to spend multiple nights a week at a bar, his wife has cancer and is pregnant, and he has a lady stalker. Eventually, he unloads everything he feels is wrong in his life to a new bartender at the bar, and his wife leaves him because the stalker makes her go rather crazy. The bartender asks if he wished for a way to make everything better, and a deal with Mephisto takes place. In exchange for everyone's lives being happy (his wife is cancer free but doesn't love him, he's in a relationship with his stalker, his father is working again, and his mother is better off dead) he becomes the Spirit of Vengeance. Though in a single day his new life falls apart rather rapidly (his wife goes into labor and dies in childbirth, his newborn daughter is placed in the NICU, his father dies from a workplace accident, and his girlfriend makes them broke with a gambling problem). When night falls, Jon finds himself becoming the Spirit of Vengence, otherwise known as Ghost Rider. Guided by a sense of where the depraved and truly evil show up, Jon begins to embrace his new role, revealing some unresolved anger issues. Powers and Abilities: Penance Stare- By locking eyes with a ner do-well, Jon absorbs everything about their inner selves except for the sins that they commited and their depraved thoughts for all eternity Hellmetal knuckle dusters- instead of the 616 chain, Jon is in possession of knuckle dusters fashioned out of molten Hell magma that have been cooled into a metal by Heavenly Waters. This grants him a form of limited superstrength against the guilty HellFire Manipulation- Jon can manipulate the direction that Hellfire flows, a form of fire that only burns (but doesn't kill) the guilty. The Hellfire that encompasses his body, only burns brightly in the presence of sin and evil (he's just a walking talking skeleton in church) Hell Cruiser- Jon's standard issue cop cruiser becomes a demonically stylized cop car whenever he gets in it and it reverts whenever he gets out. It is capable going up vertical surfaces, underwater, all at sub sonic speeds. Sample Post (This is used as an introduction to your writing – try to keep it to around three paragraphs or more and try to include dialogue): WIP Cast- Jon Blaze: Charlie Hunnam Caretaker Sara (caretaker's granddaughter) Suicide Blackhart- Sam Witwer Mephisto- William DaFoe Mercy Scarecrow Skinner Steel Wind Zodiac Jack O Lantern Lilith