"You must be a soldier." those words were the most prominent to him. He'd almost corrected her 'Marine' he was used to saying when people called him a soldier. A silly thing of pride from being a United States Marine for war within the last hundred years. The elevator doors opened and Trixy was the first to exit. David followed close behind. "Trust isn't safe when you have worked alone for close to six centuries." She definitely had him on age, that was for sure. Things like guns didn't exist when she was human and the younger vampire respected that. Anyone could kill anyone with a fire arm. It took a certain skill to slay with a melee weapon. "I guess you could say i'm a soldier. I was a Marine, back during the first world war. My unit was at the battle of Belleau Wood. Thats also where i was turned. A German Vampire on the front lines got me when i charged him." the memory was not a pleasant one and he grimaced in recollection. They reached the lab now and Trixy sniffed out an ice box of blood packs. David smiled slightly and chuckled. "Oh yea, they're quite serious. Didn't think they'd have prisoners chained up for us to feed on eh?"