Donna was on the ground gasping for air after the rather unexpected kick from the back. She turned to find Ulbricht disarmed by Naina. Milou was surprised by how Naina handled the situation. "Sis!" He shouted. "Thanks for saving Donna but was it necessary to kick her away?!" Donna got up. "I'm fine." She answered. "Now I owe the both you though..." She covered her mouth with her neffiyeh on her neck. "Do people break like that when cornered?" She asked Milou. Milou summed the answer. "Pretty much." He said. "Fight or flight." Lord Lindemann ran to the scene with a number of men. "What's going on there?!" He demanded. He was left speechless with seeing Ulbricht held at gunpoint. Donna explained. "General Ulbricht tried to poison me." She told her father. "Naina was there to save me. We thought the General was part of mother's assassination." The Lord, hearing it from his daughter believed that she is telling the truth. "My God." He muttered in shock. He turned to the General that tried to kill his daughter. "We will hear more about this in front of the Parliament." He hissed. He returned to the Peacecraft twins. "I would like to speak to both of you after we bring the traitor to the Parliament." He said to them. "I would've lost my daughter without you." With a whim the guards escorted the traitor general to the Parliament. He guided the guards to the speaker's entrance with little regard to those speaking now.