When Sammy and Griff arrived at the main plaza, about 20 marines with swords and another 20 with rifles behind the swordsmen surrounded them, in the surrounding rooftops about 10 marines pointed at them with rifles. Grunt 1 came forth to face the two men “Griff and um…. Strawhat guy, you are both under arrest for stealing and any other thing we can pin on you, give up and hand yourselfs peacefully” Grunt 1 thought to himself with a greedy grin “[i]Now we have you Griff, and we even have an unknown criminal leader, there’s no way you can get out of this. Sweet sweet promotion here I come![/i]” he began lo laugh “jia jia jia jia ji…” Grunt 1 fell to the ground coughing and gaging, smoke coming out of him mouth Griff had shot a smoke bomb into his mouth. “Those types of people annoy the hell out of me, hope you don’t mind I went and started the brawl Strawhat” ”[i] against my better judgment [/i]” he thought.