Julian cut through time and space, appearing just off stage as James's act wrapped up, being met with thunderous applause, as always. "Brilliant as always," Julian greeted his boss with a bright smile, knowing full well that James knew he had only just shown up and was complimenting for the sake of politeness. Julian stretched his arms well above his head, giving a glance down to make sure he was dressed. He had thrown on his usual look, a white button up, with a blue vest and a pair of black slacks. He knew he looked good, at least, as good as he would ever look and with a grin and a quick run through his hair with a hand he hopped onto the stage, throwing a wave to the crowd. "Good day, good day my dear friends!" He beamed out to the crowd, his eyes bright and filled with excitement as he quickly glanced across the stage, checking for his props. The two open door frames sat on opposite ends of the stage, each three feet from the end of the performing area. Beneath his feet a trap door and directly above him hung another open door frame, parallel to the ground. "Ladies, gentleman, children alike, I am Wilde, the bender of time and space!" Julian scanned the crowd, looking for someone who doubted his ability. A teenager, acne ridden with dull eyes, looked on in boredom, his overexcited dad watching with gleaming eyes. '[i]There's my lamb,[/i]' Julian immediately thought, already eager to grab the kid. "It would appear!" Julian barked, hopping off the stage and taking a few quick steps toward the audience, stopping before the boy, "That there is a nonbeliever!" Julian grabbed the boy's wrist and gave him a tug, turning and then dragging the boy to the stage. "If you hear a knock, open it on up, will ya?" Julian slapped the boy of the back, motioning to the trap door in the center of the stage. "I'll be in the next room." Julian jogged toward the right door frame, stepping through it, the sound of rushing air greeting the audience's ears as he stepped into the door frame, but did not exit the other side. There was a sudden pounding from the trap door, a muffled voice yelling out from below "Ey kid, open up will ya! It's dark in 'ere!" The teenager unlatched the door, opening it up to be met with a hand that grabbed him by his collar and yanked him below. The boy proceeded to fall through the right door, Julian reentering the stage through the left door. "You alright kid?" He laughed, the boy white as a ghost, "Thanks a bunch. Get on back to the audience." Julian then motioned to the crowd, "Give the kid a hand will ya!" He slammed his hands together, walking into the open trap door and falling through, exiting the right door right behind the boy. "C'mon kid, we don't got all day!" The boy let out a yelp to Julian's sudden appearance and scurried off to his seat. A few laughs left the crowd, warming Julian. Joy from the suffering of teenagers was the purest form of happiness. Julian never liked to keep his act too long, so he stepped back through the door he just entered, falling from the door suspended above the stage, into the trap door before being spat out of the door across the stage from where he began. "Thank you, kiddies!" Julian grinned ear to ear and gave the audience a short wave, disappearing off stage moments after.