[quote=EndCraft] Very excited to get started and can't wait! :)I do have a question, however. Can we use our fate points at a later date to improve our characters abilities? For example, I almost feel that you were hinting that for another point August could shift into some uncommon animals so I was wondering if I could do something like that for another fate point at a much later time and of course give it some background and reasoning. [/quote] Characters have the initial option of expending more fate at the start of the game to get more or refined abilities, or to alter a bit of the lore. At a later date a character's progression can be reflected by spending more fate to further master abilities or learn new ones; for example, August could learn how to also take on a pantherine form if she has invested a total of two points into her shapeshifting, or instead she could expand the amount of animals she can choose from into more exotic but equally mundane creatures. In this case it is expertise versus versatility, whereas a character like Asher would need to expend fate to gain control over his wrath and make himself less prone (and vulnerable) to anger. To the point - absolutely. Fate is intended to keep characters alive, progress them, and yet keep them counterbalanced by making human players capable of slipping away from danger much more easily.