Gilfred listened to the plan as the morning sun came over the horizon, it's light already starting a steady rise in heat, a rise that the metal elemental found quite nice from the cold of the night. He yawned involuntarily as the lack of sleep touched on the edges of his mind, shaking his head Gilfred brushed the heavy concept out of his mind, he had more important things to worry about. From what he could hear, it sounded like he the Thema were to be two back up for the main raid group and as body guards for Aerilyn as she distracted the Vygorns. He understood this well, and though he would have like to have been part of the initial assault, accepted what he was supposed to do. Walking to his place he awaited the signal that would begin things, the now almost familiar weight of his sword keeping his hand steady as his mind raced through all different possibilities of what might transpire, most of which involved death. Closing his eyes he took a deep breath, counting down he eased his nerves. Confident that all thoughts and nerves were settled and steeled, Gilfred let out the held breath, only to have it ripped from his lungs. His eyes snapping open in response to the sudden void of oxygen, he staggered forward as the wind buffeted him. He drew in ragged breaths as he looked forward, what he saw both amazed and on a a small level terrified him. He watched in awe, grabbing something solid to help keep himself up right as the whirlwind. As it advanced towards the enemy a grin began on his face and he gripped Clarent tighter, today, today was going to be a good day.