[hider=The "Refuge"] [img=http://oi57.tinypic.com/2dl94jb.jpg] Refuge is located in the region of Manhattan, the main building located to in the middle of central park, when it was cut in half to accommodate a large rail station and underground mall. Notable facilities include: Science Labs, Medical Labs, Agricultural (Fruit, Vegetable, Nut) Farms, Slush Manufacturer. A massive building on the surface surrounded by a wall eight people wide, and made of the finest metals. The wall has a trench littered with long spikes made from worn, metal support beams, their points able to pierce the flesh of most creatures. The building itself has been reinforced into a massive bunker, the glass ceiling and all of the windows have been replaced with metal tiles. The walls and beams reinforced. There are two main entrances, a personnel door resembling that much of a submarine door, and two wide metal doors that swing outwards to accompany vehicles and caravaneers. The wall spans enough area of the parks to support a small town like structure, with many of the inhabitants choosing to reside underneath the bunker in the mall. The bunker building itself is reserved for the soldier force of Refuge. The personnel door opens to a stairwell, while the large double doors open up to a parking area, where those lucky enough with a vehicle can park and unload their wares to take below. The bunker is eight floors high, the second consisting of catwalks around the bay area. The third is the command post, with barracks, armories, and training areas located on the remaining four. There are secret passages, but those who know of them jealously guard them, because they are illegal and will be sealed up. The mall itself is fourteen floors deep, and a bazaar style mess. With residences and trade stalls scattered on every level. The escalators no longer work, but still provide the primary mode of transportation. The subway tunnels have long been blocked off, part in fear of the creatures, and part in fear of the rising water levels. The city is quite over populated, and not everybody is successful. The very bottom floor is reserved for the science labs, including the medical wing. The second to bottom reserved for agricultural farms. The third to last level of the mall is the only middle level to have a floor, to protect the bottom two floors from falling debris, or bodies. The law keepers and standing army of Refuge are called Saviors. Numbering in the few hundreds, there are strict laws against crime, many of which result in exile. They patrol the walls, the underground bazaar, and the village located around the bunker. The commander of the Saviors is Commander Greyius, who is both kind and ruthless. The ranking system goes from Recruit > Savior > Guardian > Divine > Commander. The Divine being the most elite of the armed forces. The outer gate has two entry points, which slide open sideways to allow people, or vehicles through. Every gate and door in the complex has an emergency lock down function, where heavy steel bars are put into place to fortify them from opening, or breaking. The commander is the only one who can give this order. The outer walls are also littered with gun emplacements, where heavy caliber turrets can be manned to defend from large creatures, or fire flak rounds into the sky to ward of avian predators. Occasionally smaller predators will find their way in, but that is just a part of life in the new world. [/hider] [hider=Profitable Trade Chart] [b]Items currently in high demand.[/b] Machinery. Hand Tools; Screwdrivers, Hammers, Saws, Etc. Construction Materials. Ammunition and Weapons. Meat. Light Sources.[/hider] [hider=The Cast] [b]Leviathan:[/b] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/49124/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1485305]Vera Pavelevna Lavrin[/url] [Hunter] [b]ReaptheMusic:[/b] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/49124/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1486818]Lauren Ida “Chipmunk” Ritsu[/url] [Scout] [b]Hanami:[/b] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/49124/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1487439]Wenling "Wen" Lai[/url] [Botanist] [b]Aeonumbra:[/b] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/49124/posts/ooc?page=3#post-1507793]Eli "The Ghost" Konlie[/url] [Survivalist] [M.I.A.][b]Spartan023:[/b] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/49124/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1487300]Jason "Chemo" McIntyre[/url] [Soldier] [b]Kapuchu:[/b][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/49124/posts/ooc?page=8#post-1601842]Nishino Tsukasa[/url] [Inventor] [b]Firecracker_:[/b][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/49124/posts/ooc?page=7#post-1583910]Ryker Kane[/url] [Combat Medic] [b]Snowminx:[/b][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/49124/posts/ooc?page=16#post-1750145]Katherine Laurel Evermore[/url] [Tailor] [b]Februari:[/b][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/49124/posts/ooc?page=15#post-1750119]Nix'ta[/url] [Khu'lu Shaman] [hider2=Memorial] [b]Hagura:[/b][i] Dismembered in traffic during the Outbreak.[/i] [b]Frenetic Raptor:[/b][i] Beheaded by girl scouts during the Outbreak.[/i] [b]Uffizi:[/b][i] Tried to hug a zombie during the Outbreak.[/i] [b]Anima:[/b][i] Fell into a spike pit trying to reach Refuge.[/i] [b]Musicway:[/b][i] Dinner for the children of the Khu'lu.[/i] [b]Wintercaptain727.[/b][i] Hit by an explosive shell, trying to reach Refuge.[/i] [b]Antagonist.[/b][i] Mauled by a pack of Darklings, trying to reach Refuge.[/i] [/hider2] [/hider] [hider=Events] A vicious pack of wolf-like creatures called Darklings have been spotted in great numbers around Refuge. This is cause for concern for the town, not only are the trade routes near impossible to travel, the beasts have grown brave in their numbers. Coming close to the wall in their hunger, only to be shot down or blown a part. A Guardian by the name of Davi has commissioned Eli to assemble a team to destroy the den mother, and eliminate the den itself. The reward is 18,000 credits to be divided evenly and spent at the Saviors armory, a place where only the rewarded may shop, and the soldiers are issued their standard gear. [/hider] [hider=The Post] [b]Red Notes[/b] ------- [center][i]”Expedition Hunt”[/i][/center] [center][i]”Large numbers of Darklings have been reported in the Manhattan area, signifying a Den somewhere in the city. It's destruction has been fallen upon myself, per request of The Saviors. Payment will be in armory trade credit, split evenly from a writ of credit worth 18,000. Applicants will meet in the courtyard in front of the gate tomorrow morning, 8a.m. - Eli”[/i][/center] -------- [b]Green Notes[/b] [center][i]”Easy Money”[/i][/center] [center][i]”I need somebody to babysit my ill, drunk grandfather while I run errands all day tomorrow. From Noon to sometime in the night, payment comes in the form of 2 cans of food, a clip of 9mm rounds, and a fifth of vodka. Find Erov on the second floor, eastern wing in the ghetto.”[/i][/center] [i][center]"P.S: Don't step on the homeless, they bite."[/i][/center] -------- [center][i]”Need Repairs”[/i][/center] [center][i]”Some drunk asshole smashed my front door in, I need a new one. Since I run the general shop on the fourth floor, I can pay you in whatever you need, within reason. Some ammo, some slush, a few cans of food, you name it. - Craya, Gerenal Store Manager”[/i][/center] -------- [b]Gray Notices[/b] [center][i]”Cure-all-Tonic”[/i][/center] [center][i]”Now now! I know what you're going to say! You're going to say Dan, this smells a lot like malt liquor and a sweaty boots. And you'd be right! But you know that saying, 'The worse it tastes the better it works', Well by god it works! It can cure nearly everything! Find my wagon on floor nine! 'Dan's Elixers', that's what you want! -Dan”[/i][/center] [/hider] [hider=Territory Map] [img=http://oi61.tinypic.com/oswlmf.jpg][/hider]