I'd like to join with an old guy who likes swords. Name: Ken Jian, A.K.A. Grandmaster Jian, A.K.A. Jian-Sensei, A.K.A. Divine Sword Sage of the Heavens Ken Jian, A.K.A Old Sword Guy. Age: 64 Gender: Male Race: Human Appearance: http://i.imgur.com/8pfoeSe.jpg Occupation: Ken keeps food on the table by fishing in the river. However, he also runs a sword school that currently has no students. He's applied as a guardian, but was rejected due to a "Poor grasp of non-sword-based methods of conflict resolution." Occasionally, he'll perform oddjobs for favors around the village. Skills: Ken is unnaturally skilled in the way of the sword, due to decades of intense training and experience. To this day, he continues to discover new ways to cut things, as well as knowing a number of techniques designed to display his skill, in addition to inventing his own. He's capable of holding swords in between his fingers, as well as with his feet or mouth. As a display of skill, he performs a demonstration in town regularly wherein he cuts an iron bar or helmet, or cuts things while blindfolded. Ken has actually been barred from sparring tournaments after managing to cut someone with a shinai. Powers: No magical abilities Inventory: Ken Jian's most prized possession is a matching katana and wakizashi. The pair are kept razor sharp, as he regularly maintains them. Respectively, their titles are Seiryu and Byakko. His clothing consists of a relatively nice kimono, but nothing out of the ordinary. Lastly, he possesses a house that is also a dojo. It currently houses one man: Ken Jian. History: Ken Jian was born into a house of samurai, and from a very young age, began learning a very difficult sword style, one said to require the dedication of one's life and soul to truly master. He was not actually born in Kado village, and spent a good portion of his life cutting through enemies in the name of his master, human or otherwise. At the age of thirty-two, he was declared a master of his sword style. At the age of fifty, he became the school's Grand Master after the previous one fell in combat. Unfortunately, most other members died around this time. With no master and no followers, Ken became a ronin, walking an unkempt path with no destination. He left the big cities and the wars, and began to wander the countryside, perfecting his technique and searching for worthy disciples. Eight years ago, he discovered and decided to just settle down in Kado, and hope someone came along strong enough to succeed him. Occasionally he'll regale locals with tales of the outside or demonstrations of his techniques. Ken no longer charges money to learn at his school. However, the training methods are so ridiculous that no student has actually lasted longer than a week before giving up. Point of Interest: -Sword Dojo: Ken Jian's own home is a dusty, small building. Inside is a singular, large room, with many racks upon which rest wooden practice swords of varying size, from miniscule to ridiculously large. A single scroll hangs from the wall that reads "The sword must become one with a swordsman's mind, body, and spirit. Only with his blade is a samurai whole. Out front is a carved wooden sign reading "Four Gods Style Sword School."