Miri’khete watched as the mountain deer fell, dying quickly and she smiled. The young thief stayed quiet in the shadow as it was retrieved by the hunters, watching as they hauled it behind them towards their camp. She followed behind them, careful on the rocky terrain. Knocking any loosened stones would alert them to her presence and she couldn’t have that. She was hungry and there was no better way to sort that out than stealing from these men. She could take enough to last her awhile without alerting them to her presence and then she would be gone and out of their lives forever. All she had to do was tail them until they reached camp and cooked the deer. She cursed under her breath as she did exactly what she was hoping not to. The rock tumbled across the mountain road, clattering against the other rocks embedded into the ground. Staying completely silent, she withdrew further into the darkness. Being the night elf she was, she could blend into the shadows much easier than most and they would not see her. Of that, she was sure. Hopefully, their camp was not much further. They were taking her far off her planned journey but she could do little to change them and she couldn’t leave without some of that mountain deer. It had been far too long without food for that.