[b]Name:[/b] EDO XV88 S23 N15 (often nicknamed as "Eddy" or "Fifteen") [b]Age:[/b] 2 (mental age uncertain) [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/029/6/2/azura_wolf_concept_by_jessada_nuy-d38bp92.jpg[/img] Height: 2.5 metres Weight: 320 kilograms [b]Nationality or Place of Residence:[/b] An underground storage bunker in Osaka, Japan [b]Title / Rank:[/b] Suppressor Unit/Private [b]Biography / history:[/b] EDO is an abbreviation for "Enhanced Drone Operative", a mech soldier with a singular organic component- a human brain, produced and developed by Tanikawa Industries. Though still controversial in the media, EDOs have proven far more effective than AI controlled urban mechs as the human component has fewer problems solving logical paradoxes and are far more successful at reading emotional states. Additionally, in combination with psychological programming, an EDO is less likely to commit war crimes than any other drone operative, making them quite suitable for urban combat with civilians involved and unlikely to gun down surrendering opponents. Unfortunately, there are some drawbacks to an EDO when compared to standard AI. A survival instinct is as much of a con as it is a pro. Due to problems of mechano-organic nature, Enhanced Drone Operatives have a very limited vocabulary that they can produce vocally even though they can communicate through text messages quite verbosely, mainly relying on voice-boxes with an array of preset simple responses. And, because of their organic component, they cannot be classified as machines by law, nor can they be classified as transhumans as the brain belongs to Tanikawa Industries by legal contract signed by the donor. This leaves all models of EDO in the situation of a second class citizen, though in most cases, they are unaware of the fact thanks to their programming. To top it all off, they require special nutrient rations and, in a way, sleep besides recharging to keep functioning at top capacity. The XV88 model is one of several humanoid urban mechs designed as support for SWAT teams and TCMP field operations, mainly through its suppressive capabilities, an array of sensors and scanners, as well as combat durability. Another useful trait of the model is its programmed inability for brutality and excessive force. It is similar to the previous XV8 model with the difference being that the brain is housed within the thorax instead of the head, having in mind greater focus on the survivability of the veteran brain. Those who have fought alongside XV88s nicknamed them "Tortoise" for their resistance to damage and defensive mode that allows them to retract their more vulnerable parts into the body that otherwise serve for mobility and spacial awareness. Those men and women would also testify that XV88 and urban mechs similar to it are the most human-like in their behaviour of all EDOs. Experts say that, due to being in humanoid mechs, these brains retain many of their habits and quirks which they are still able to perform, while those installed in aircraft or similar appear to be less personable to others as they're unable to express their remnant humanity as well as XV8 or XV88 can. "Eddy", or "Fifteen", was a rather unorthodox mech from the very start. Of all the XV88s of the 23rd series, the unit numbered 15 was the most active and adamant about being referred to as "he". The reason for his acting up was not a profound sense of one's person that refuses to be called "it", but that an engineer at Takinawa Industries referred to the unit as "she" as one would call a car or a ship. As N15 performed just as well as any other EDO in the simulations and test-runs, "his" quirk was sanctioned. And while it wasn't strange for humanoid mechs to spend their on-line time when off-duty on entertainment, Fifteen spent most of his free time watching animations and searching the extranet for really old cartoons, sometimes managing to dig out video files that were centuries old. [b]Equipment (out of combat theatre):[/b] [b]Equipment (in combat theatre):[/b] [b]Specialised Skills:[/b] [b]Other:[/b]