@Levi: What does she carry her gear in? Duffel bag, backpack? hip-pouches? Also given her job I recommend any of these items:: first aid kit , surgical kit , bandages, salves, pills, anti-venoms, can have a small laser meant to cauterize wounds, stitches, needles, etc medic equipment. One more thing, if it's N/A it doesn't need to be on your CS, just so you're aware :) Ok ONE more thing. For hobby i would recommend volunteering medical aid, gardening (steadies hands), painting (steady hands and focusing), gun maintenance (precision, steady hands, focus) again these are suggestions only. You can pick whatever you want. [img=http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/106/2/b/2b4f610f8715ca815607265b58bd03f0-d3e622f.jpg] I imagine her weapon looks like that :P