[b][Name:][/b] Micah Villiados [b][Age:][/b] 21 [b][Gender:][/b] Male [b][Appearance:][/b] [hider=Portrait][img=http://imgcache.qq.com/music/photo/mid_singer_300/b/e/001KYlui1Ggqbe.jpg][/hider][list] [*]6'8, 265 lbs[/*] [*]Muscle fat.[/*] [/list] [b][Glamour Form:][/b] None. [b][Short Bio:][/b] Micah was born into Polynesian royalty, but was outcast at the age of 3 to a Darktown orphanage after the fall of his country's imperial ways. He lived a miserable life, suffering beat-downs from the other orphans and abuse from the staff until his escape at age 7. He soon found himself on his own in the streets of Darktown, jumping between crews, scamming one after another, and killing members in an attempt to assert his dominance. He accumulated wealth from the dead, and consolidated it all into a bank account under his name. He leaves no paper trail of any of his activities, self-renovating broken down structures and converting them into his safe houses. He contracts work to various Darktown dealers, and often does the dirty work for Darktown's elite. He has been labeled as an "Enforcer", and conducts his personal life in the shadows of these broken streets. [b][3 Strengths:][/b] [list] [*]Wealthy: Large amount of money stored in both the bank and various safe houses.[/*] [*]Influential: Micah's name is known, yet he prefers to be a relatively unknown character in Darktown. Those who know of him know him as a sort of authority and not much else.[/*] [*]Strength: Possesses an almost unnatural strength, which he often uses to intimidate his enemies in mere physical stature.[/*] [/list] [b][3 Weaknesses:][/b] [list] [*]Irresponsible: Micah is not one to clean up after himself after doing his dirty work. He relies on his low-key status to shield him, and has become somewhat spoiled because of it.[/*] [*]Anger Issues: Micah is very susceptible to anger, and often makes many irrational decisions because of it.[/*] [*]Unambitious: Micah has no plans of achieving success, power, or fame. He's content in his current situation, preferring a slightly adventurous life that can continually feed his ego.[/*] [/list] [b][Magical Artifact:][/b] Silver Dragon pendant about the size of a thumb. It hangs off of Micah's neck from a thin silver chain, where links are seamless and comprise the entire chain with no fault.