Alexander was approaching the village, when he heard somebody shouting "There! There's our target!" An old man, Alexander looked behind him to see if he noticed something, looked around, then looked back. He made a double take, then continued forward. Alexander had protected the village for roughly half a decade, starting from the moment he entered the village. By then, he was already old. It didn't take much longer before Alexander's bones to start cracking, leaving him to have to quit being a guardian all together- though not the sole reason. He was still more or less capable of fighting, after all. "What's going on?" the old man asked in a nonchalant manner. He looked up, then glared at Tetsuo. He had a bit of a bone to pick with the guy. In fact, it was thanks to one of Tetsuo's stuffed peppers that made it so that Alexander had to run to the restroom every five minutes the other night- a whole four minutes less than usual. But he didn't say anything.