[Center][B]Beaux[/B][/Center] --- Standing near the entrance, Beaux had been watching the school building for a while now, wondering what it would be like to become a knight. It has been a dream of his to be useful to someone, more so to protect people and those dear to him. "Tomorrow! I will do my best!" he promised himself. Just as he was about to leave, a great force of impact hit him, "Ow! W-What?" he managed to stay up and not fall to the ground. Looking for his bumper, he found a girl sitting on the ground. "Are yo-" then she quickly stood up and apologized "N-No need! I'm fine! It's my fault for blocking the path!" he assured her, but she looked too nervous or something. Introducing herself as Rhea Silversturn, she asked his name right away "O-Oh. Nice to meet you... My name's Beaux Stratonfol." he answered. "More importantly. Are you alright?" then he got an idea "Oh. I know. Just to make it up to you, I'll go treat you to one of those stalls over there!" he pointed at the courtyard. "Let's go!" he said with a grin and prompted her to come. Beaux felt quite happy, he already found someone that could be his friend.