Name: Joseph, the man of a thousand sheep (At the moment, it's only three hundred, but presentation is everything!) Age:31 Sex:male Race: Human, save for his followers, who are all sheep Class(lol): Shepherd / aspiring dictator Bio: Joseph is a very expressive man. Even with a helmet on his head, it's pretty easy to tell what he's thinking. His voice, his personality- heck, even his posture was that of the loudest, most obnoxious dictator there ever was and ever would be, but it wasn't always that way. Plain Old Joseph (yes, that's really his name, Plain Old Joseph) was a regular boy in a boring old town that was just boring. He worked as a boring old shepherd on the edge of this town, making a killing being the only one to be selling wool locally. Life was boring for everyone there, including Joseph. His father had always gone on and on about how rewarding the life of a shepherd, buut as soon as it was Joseph's turn, all of that glamour seemed to vanish. He kept at it, though, since he truly believed that there would be some sort of reward for doing this. Then, one day, it happened. The local school house was taking a field trip to Joseph's flock of sheep. They were supposed be learning about how the shepherd is supposed to be a hard working man who works all day long, but they all knew that about 90% of the work was just standing in a field with sheep. A little boy by the name of Billy who, like everyone else, was bored out of his mind. He had been standing around for hours watching Joseph do his... work... and didn't hesitate to express his feeling to him directly. His exact words were: "I'm bored. This is stupid." That did it. As soon as the children left, Joseph couldn't help but reflect on his life. He realized that he hated his life. Billy was right, it was boring. He hated watching sheep do nothing but graze. He hated that everyone else knew it was boring. Most of all, he hated Billy, the loathsome snot-nosed little brat who made him realize that he never even LIKED his job. How would you feel if you realized that you hated your job? The only way to fix this was to prove that his job was better than anyone else's. What else would anyone do in this situation besides try and take over the world? Over the course of a year in a secret training facility (paid for by his job), Joseph has studied war strategy, hand-to-hand combat, and politics. He also managed to train his sheep to work as his army, skilled in all current weapons, martial arts, survival, interrogation, and economics. With this unorthodox but effective army at his side, he vows to take over the world for reasons known only him. Picture or description of character: Joseph is a tall, muscular native of the highlands who was born with a knight's helmet on his head (his mother was... interesting, let's leave it at that. The strange part was that it was a family tradition, but I digress) he wears a long, flowing black robe with billowing arms that make him seem like a knight with a knight's helmet. One more thing to note is that he only wears sandals. It's a comfort thing that he won't budge on unless it's a matter of life and death.