Guo Fu turned to his brother, "Say Brother, did you hear about that one guy... And that thing in the Swamp?" Guo Fu walked up to Kun Fan as he nudged him on the shoulder, "Remember that story?" Guo Fu glanced around the area, looking for potential customers for their wares. He paused for a moment as he sat down on the grass, still near Kun Fan. Guo Fu picked up a different pebble, bringing it closer to him. "Do you know where Ni is?" -The Shrubbery?- "Yes, I am referring to the Shrubbery named Ni." -I am not sure where he is at this point. I'm guessing where he would normally be?" Guo Fu used his left hand as he began tugging on the left side of his mustache. "I see... Thank you for the information pebble." Guo Fu nodded as he placed the pebble back down onto the grass. He got up, and stretched out his back. "Say brother... That story, you do know the one I am referring to yes?"