Something quelled his fears, mid-nightmare...smooth, dainty, warm fingers running through his hair as he slept. Nuzzling his face gently in between the girl's breasts, "My beloved...body pillow..." Muttering this quietly, and letting out a relaxed sigh, his hold on them weakened. Weaker, but only for a moment as he reached down to pull the male human's arm up to his face. Retightening his grabbing hug and cuddle, seemingly still unconscious, Karl opened his mouth wide and brought the wrist to it. And...that was pretty much it...except for the awkward licking and sucking of the wrist, his fangs never came out nor broke skin to get to the pulsing vein with blood just under the skin. Releasing the wrist from his sucking mouth, Karl let out a strange cooing sound, " nom nom~!" before licking the wrist again, then up the hand, and finally sticking the poor human's thumb in his mouth. "..." Shifting a little bit, he pulled the human girl's cheat closer to the side of his face, then eventually stopped moving altogether. Thumb sucking, and awkward hugging...yup...