“My name is Cain.” The response unanticipated, Felicia froze, listening attentively as [i]Cain[/i] spoke. “I'm pretty much a ghost, so there really isn't a better way I could go about contacting you. For my intrusions...I apologize. “Truth is, I heard the voice too. The one in my dreams.” Her eyes widened. The voice in her head had heard a voice? No…. “I thought I might have been finally losing it. But as it turned out, a... friend of mine heard it too. We decided the only way to figure it out was to come here and find its owner. We did. You can too. You can put an end to your self-doubt. If you heard her voice, you're stronger and far more important than you imagine. I'm not asking you to come with me; I'm begging you. We're counting on you, my child. At least do it to pay me back for saving you from the thieves?” Perhaps… this really wasn’t all in her head. But still. She didn’t want to risk further enslaving herself to mental instability just like that. She never exactly saw who it was that attacked those two men and the masked man had fled before she got a chance to ask him anything. For all she knew, her unwound mind was filling in the blanks. “A ghost?” she whispered quizzically, “If… if you and your friend are truly in some sort of trouble then I’ll do what I can. But you must understand. For all I know my mind is completely undone. I hardly know if I can even trust my eyes anymore… but I’m willing to. Especially if what you say is true and you indeed are the one that helped me back there. “If you could give me a bit of proof that you’re not like the voice I hear at night… can you not show yourself?”