[hider=Lauren Faust] [center] [img=http://www.artwallpaperhi.com/thumbnails/detail/20121024/climbing%20rock%20climbing%202560x1600%20wallpaper_www.artwallpaperhi.com_55.jpg] Name: Lauren Ida “Chipmunk” Ritsu Age: 22 Nationality: The United Nations of America Ethnicity: Japanese Sex: Female Appearance: Lauren has short, black hair that flairs into an edgy bob. Her bangs are cut straight across her forehead just above her eyebrows, which are thin and often quirked inquisitively even when she doesn’t mean to do so out of sarcasm. Some say that she got too smart-aleky one day and her eyebrow froze in its upraised position, but no one close to her knows for sure anymore. Her eyes are just as playful and full of laughter in their squinted manner, but these days they’re darker than they once were. While her body isn’t very curvy it makes up for in muscularity. She’s toned and a little tan from working out in the sun all day. She’s often seen wearing copious amounts of black and as a teen was teased for being ninja-esque for her color of preference. Often sports under armor, black sweats, black tank tops and jackets, and white bandages for her hands. Also often has her backpack with her. Eye color: Milk-Chocolate Brown Unique Physical identifiers: A small, curved scar under her right eye. Pink in color Parents: Benjamin and Yoko Ritsu Job: Scout Biography: Lauren was born in the underground mall; the daughter of a well known scout and a doctor. Yoko, her mother and the doctor, pushed for Lauren to join the field of medicine so that she would not tire her usefulness, but as time wore on Lauren found she deeply enjoyed climbing trees, rock walls, buildings, anything she could get her hands on. You could seldom stop her feet when she was running, and constantly challenged other children to race her. She was a bit of a nuisance, but her father saw this as an opportunity to become a great scout. So he started to teach her, take her outside of the refuge to scavenge areas, take down zombies, what plant life to avoid. It was great fun bonding with her father, scaling rock walls to reach an otherwise unreachable destinations. It's safe to say that Lauren is a complete and utter daddies girl. When she was 17, she had fled from the refuge after a heated argument with her parents about a boy she liked (typical teenage bs yada yada), and hid in the trees. Unfortunately, it was night time and she couldn't see the tree she had chosen to sob on had a rather nicely compiled group of vicious mutated birds roosting in it. They attacked her without warrant, one's beak clamping down hard just beneath her right eye and getting into the skin. She ran back home to her parents, scared, where she was taken care of. She as lucky, had she been run into something more dangerous she might not have survived. She works as a scout for the refuge today and claims that she'll be the best damn scout there ever was or will be in their sanctuary. Skills and Talents: Scouting, Rock Climbing, Tree Climbing, Parkour, Identifying plants, Discovering Versatility and minor medicine knowledge Primary Skill: Scouting. She's exceptionally athletic, and small, allowing her to climb, squeeze, run, jump, zip, clip, dive or dodge ahead to find ways in and out that might have not been there before. Hobby: Parkour, Something you pick up when scouting a city Talent: Identifying plants and animals. This helps when searching for herbs or knowing which mushrooms can actually kill you. She also has a knack for finding extreme versatility out of anything she can. It helps when that stray bobby pin can be used to secure a failing pulley mechanism Negative Trait: Lauren is extremely cocky. She rushes headfirst into any situation with no thoughts for the consequences. Gear: Rope Pulley Mechanisms Climbing Crampons Climbing harness Chalk (For Grip) Gloves Canteen Bowie Knife Retractable Pickaxe Canned Corn x3 Canned Sweet Potatoes Sardines Canned 'Thanksgiving Dinner' with new dessert feature Glock Handgun holding 30 rounds in one magazine 5 boxes full of ammo containing 25 bullets each Infrared Goggles to see body heat of zambies and misc. through walls and in the dark, worn on her head Flashlight, work in her pocket and can be turned on and used from such. 'Meat' Grenades. Grenades that emit gas smelling distinctly of appetizing human flesh (to the zombies). Also with an upgrade could have a recording attached to it for noise. [/center] [/hider]