[hider=Belle Valore]Belle Valore Age: 17 Birth Date: June 5th Appearance: [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-8fxuUdBqC-c/TnHEGWWn8DI/AAAAAAAAAIY/dKN9TyzZ3Ds/s1600/pink-anime-girl-cute.jpg[/img] Skin: Fair Eye Color: Light Brown Hair Color: Auburn Height: 5' 5" Weight: 124 lbs. Weapon: Quisque - A long silver battle staff that, with the flick of her wrist, will disconnect, revealing chains connecting the metal segments and acting as a chain linked whip. The metal is highly susceptible to magic, allowing Belle to utilize her magic into her strikes. This is one of her key fighting points. Attributes: Speed, Fire Magic, Wind Magic Summon: Huracan - A large red, black, and gold mechanical man with a spiked armor-like exterior that gives it a slim and muscular appearance. It wields two long black and golden bladed swords as weapons and deals fire and wind damage. It is also a fast and aggressive fighter, similar to Belle. Gestalt Mode: Mechanical Griffon and Huracan's Blades (Wielded by Belle) Affiliation: Ultimatum Personality: Belle is of a cheerful and positive nature, often enjoying the company of friends over anything else. She loves to tease and kid whenever she gets the chance, which is often misleading to the serious nature she truly holds. When forced to fight, she makes sure nothing remains standing in her way. She loves her friends dearly and does anything to make them smile and to ensure their safety, even to the point that she would put herself in danger. Basic Background: With both her parents passed two years prior, she was left to take care of her 15 year old sister, Melody. It was difficult to play the role of both sister and parent, through Belle found a way. This brought upon a new motherly nature that she never knew she had, which leads to her often protecting the young or those who remind her of Melody. Both sisters currently work as waitresses at Mukuan's Diner, Melody aspiring to become a chef and Belle still trying to find a dream to follow that can still support her and her little sister. Though when offered the opportunity to fight in the forces of Ultimatum, Belle ceases an opportunity in hopes that she can truly find a way to pay out a happy future for her and her sister. [/hider] [hider=Melody Valore]Melody Valore Supporting Role: Belle's Sister Age: 15 Appearance: [img]http://www.blastingart.com/media/images/sharingImages/16390.jpg[/img] Skin: Fair Eye Color: Indigo Hair Color: Rose Height: 5' 0" Weight: 101 lbs [/hider] [hider=Terra Nevalian]Terra Nevalian Age: 22 Birth Date: November 12th Appearance: [img]http://th08.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2012/314/9/c/chris_redfield_by_kennedymillo-d5kjhrp.jpg[/img] Skin: Fair Eye Color: Onyx Hair Color: Black/Dark Brown Height: 6' 0" Weight: 173 lbs Weapon: Autumnus - A large battle axe that is rather heavy, even for a weapon of it's stature. At the hilt of the weapon is a trigger similar to a gun's. When pulled, the blades food back and reveal a shotgun barrel that releases a single shot with a great amount of recoil. It is for this reason Terra focuses mostly on physical combat. Attributes: Strength, Earth Magic Summon: Dunyr - A green, black, and gold mechanical young girl with golden leaves and mechanical forest garb. It uses physical attacks through summersaults and flips as well as using a wide variety of earth and white magic. Gestalt Mode: Large Energy Cannon (Attaches to Terra's arm) Affiliation: Deux Corporation Personality: Despite his muscular and rugged appearance, Terra is rather timid and fearful of any sort of social situation. It is for this reason that he does not find himself having many, let alone any, companions prior to his selection. He even finds himself getting jittery when in a fight, though with such strength and physical prowess he should have no reason to be. Though with physical ability alone, he manages to find a way to make it through. Basic Background: Terra was raised in an orphanage, running away from his home and family at a very young age. Never speaking of exactly why he had run away from his problems in the first place, he went along with life, taking whatever was given to hi without asking for anything extra. He had tried his hand in the defense corps and even military, but found himself not enjoying such harsh conditions or around people that had such different personalities to his own. With that said, when he was offered an opportunity to be something more, he felt greedy for the first time in his life and decided to take a leap of faith in order to earn something greater. [/hider] [hider=Yume Estrelle]Yume Estrelle Age: 10 Birth Date: December 1st Appearance: [img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Sf9lmetu9Hs/TnHD7qFtqII/AAAAAAAAAHo/FkWV6xv8kQE/s1600/Anime_Girl.jpg[/img] Skin: Fair Eye Color: Sky Blue Hair Color: Blonde Height: 4' 2" Weight: 70 lbs Weapon: Hiems - A rod that is used as a sort of wand, helping Yume channel and direct her magic. It consists of a long azure rod and a crystal orb at the end, as well as a white ribbon tied in a bow onto the rod directly bellow the crystal orb. Because of Yume's lack of strength and the properties of her weapon, she specializes in ranged combat and healing. Attributes: Wide Range of Magic (fire, ice, wind, lightning, non-elemental), White Magic Summon: Veles - A large and strong white, purple, and gold mechanical man with a long slick tail. It resembles a moving castle of sorts, moving rather slow but landing powerful and devastating physical blows. Gestalt Mode: High-Tech Tank Affiliation: Ultimatum Personality: Yu's surprisingly headstrong for being so young. Fearless and strong to the core, she is thoughtful and considerate of others, but while she doesn't show it on her face, she also craves attention and is emotionally dependent on others to a large degree. As is to be expected of any child. She often keeps a blank expression though, looking as if she is always curious or having something on her mind. Despite this, she acts as any child would; innocent and full of hope. Basic Background: With the leader of Ultimatum as her father, it is no wonder why a young girl such as Yume would be forced to take on such strength and responsibility. Her father had seen great potential in many persons, but especially so in his very own daughter. He then decided that his daughter would partake in battle, as was to be expected of a leader's daughter. That being said, it is of course rather cold to force a child to take part in battle, but Yume was more than willing. Her mother, more concerned yet not stopping her husband's wishes, Had told her that she would be taking part in her own sort of fairytale, and if she were successful, she would live "happily ever after" just like all her bedtime stories had. And what little girl doesn't want to live "happily ever after"...? [/hider] [hider=Helena Estrelle]Helena Estrelle Supporting Role: Yume's Mother Age: Appearance: [img]http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/37bfb33486c6e73085bd636503557df3/http://i608.photobucket.com/albums/tt167/MichelleTisHere/anime/Picture4.png[/img] Skin: Fair Eye Color: Hazel Hair Color: Dirty Blonde Height: 5' 7" Weight: 132 lbs [/hider] [hider=Lili]Lili Age: Unknown (Appears 21) Birth Date: May 16th Appearance: [img]http://img1.ak.crunchyroll.com/i/spire1/00c7d8b282279c2b3199e336608673371227093644_full.jpg[/img] Skin: Fair Eye Color: Azure Hair Color: Black (with blue hint?) Height: 5' 6" Weight: 126 lbs Weapon: Stirpis - A strange notebook, due to the high-tech lifestyle, with the I graving of a lily on the cover. Using this notebook with the mixture of her own magic, she has the ability to turn what she draws/writes into a strange dark attack. This ability is highly unstable, however, which leads to her hardly ever using it in risk of harming herself. And when she does choose to use the strange magic, it merely is used to conjure dark whips and slashes. Attributes: Elemental magic (earth, wind, water, ice), Black Magic Summon: Huehuecoyotl - A tall and beautiful blue, white, and gold mechanical woman with a mechanical blue flower in her hair, similar to Lili, designed into metal in the shape of flowing water. It uses flying flower shaped blades as weapons and deals water and ice damage as well as some minor wind damage. Gestalt Mode: Flower Blade Wheeled Bike Affiliation: Deux Corporation Personality: Lili is determined, concentrated and independent. Initially, she is cold and standoffish, distancing herself from her companions. Much of her motivation is fueled from what she perceives as failing to find a purpose in life, which often leads to her lashing out in strange ways. After finding power in her selection, however, she finds herself becoming more confident and even abusing her new found abilities at times. Basic Background: Lili was born with on sole purpose; to find power. Her past is riddled in mystery, but all that can be said is that she aims to become strong and take power in some way, shape, or form. Whether she is friend or foe, she is a person who should not be taken lightly... [/hider]