[hider=Appearance][center][img=http://visualnovelaer.fuwanovel.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/041.jpg][/center][/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Marianne [b]Age:[/b] Unknown. Physically appears 11. [b]Birth Date:[/b] October 13th. [b]Skin Tone:[/b] Pale. [b]Eye Color:[/b] While her right eye appears a pure crimson, her hidden left eye is actually golden with streaks of purple around the iris. [b]Hair Color:[/b] Jet black. [b]Height:[/b] 4'3" [b]Weight:[/b] Only about 90 pounds. [b]Attributes:[/b] Black Magic [b]Affiliation:[/b] The Ultimatum [b]Summon:[/b] [i]Décès:[/i] A dark mechanical angel dressed in an elegant black and purple dress. The angel is armed with a pair of silver clawed gauntlets and mechanical wings that can fire off purple energy arrows. [b]Gestalt:[/b] The clawed gauntlets and mechincal wings utilized by her summon, Décès. [b]Personality:[/b] Marianne is a very interesting girl. In all appearances, she wishes to act as a polite and diligent young lady. She has a very strong sense of justice and will not forgive those with obvious impure hearts. Furthermore, she can act extremely blunt and promiscuous at times as well, though this is usually just to get what she wants. Marianne is a girl who will do anything it takes to achieve her goals. Once she actually has something of value in her life, she will do any and all things to protect and cherish the person or object that gives her existence purpose. As such, many label this nature to those around her as insanity and dependency. That being said, she can act overly possessive and childish towards her legal guardian, Kiara Bastion. [b]Weapon:[/b] [i]Solista:[/i] A small ring that serves to channel the majority of her spells as well as the source of all her magic. [b]Powers and Abilities:[/b] As a user of black magic, Marianne is extremely adept in offensive spells, though her main usage seems to be fire and dark magic in particular. Furthermore, her favorite and most utilized spell involves using her ring I make duplicates and copies of herself. Although these clones are extremely weak-they take but one hit to dispel-Marianne can summon as many as she wants provided she has enough stamina for the job. [b]Brief History:[/b] An interesting girl deserves an equally interesting history. However much like her guardian, Marianne enjoys in keeping people guessing about her origins. All that can be said is that it is heavily hinted that the seemingly young girl is not exactly human. Whatever she may be, she goes wherever Kiara goes and tends to act much like an average child would in her presence. To anyone else, she will don a sophisticated and cold persona.