James carefully placed the spike, twisting it into place. It pierced the bone, holding it in place, as he put down his tongues. Delicately, he picked up a needle and thread, as he brought it down on the wound, stitching it closed. In and out, in and out, a simple rythm. James was already preparing. Soon, there would be new students. And many, he knew from experienced, would attempt to prove themselves by joining his class. He had been running short, so it was a good thing. He'd had an Eruka, one of the assistants at the school clear out the Meat Lockers. He'd have fresh samples soon enough. Placing down the needle, James replaced the bandage around his arm. He'd prepared numerous potions, poisons, traps and training areas over the last couple of weeks, and he intended to use them all. His class was quite Darwinian, although James would not have known who Darwin was. The strong were forged stronger, gaining the hardiness and edge that only a narrow brush with death can bring. The weak became food. Although this tactic had not made James a popular man, that had never been his aim. He forged the toughest warriors he could, and anyone who couldn't make it through his class was better off as food anyway. Putting on his customary cloak, James stood up from his stool. The ceremony would be going on above, he knew, and he had to show his face at least once. Thus was custom. He was pretty sure if he didn't, one of his students would have the nerve to try and kill him. That wouldn't be good. That could cause disciplinary issues. And James would have to quell those. Which would be great for his rations, but would wreack havoc on his chances of staying at this school. Opening the trapdoor, James walked into the sunlight. He had no need to shield his eyes, as his pupils were dead. He'd gotten used to the burning pain of direct sunlight. It no longer bothered him. He walked into the crowd, rumors spreading. That was one advantage of being feared. People tended to leave you alone. James stood in the corner. He had no need to eat. All that as required here was his presence. A certain number of young fools would hear the rumors, and wish to join his class. Some of them would die. And then he'd have supper. It was quite a simple system, thought James, as his mind began to wander.