Name: Jason "Chemo" Mcintyre Age: 35 Nationality: United States of America Ethnicity: Caucasian Sex: Male [Hider= Appearance] Jason has dark brown hair that droops down to the middle of his ears and over his forehead, as he's abandoned his military haircut. His eyes are dark brown and come at a nice contrast with his skin, tanned from long exposure to the sun. His nose is slightly ajar from one too many breaks over the course of his time in the Corps, while the rest of his face is unremarkable, neither too handsome nor too ugly. Though he is muscular, its not the thick, heavy muscle more suited to massive lifting, instead it was lean, athletic muscle for smaller loads over longer time. His chin and lips are dusted with a black stubble always, he doesn't let it grow out and tries not to keep it shorter. As for his clothing, whenever in a danger zone he wears his Marine Corps issued body armor, consisting of a standard helmet, armored tacplate with pockets for ammo, shoulder and knee pads and a thin armor covering his thighs. When not in a danger zone, he wears either his fatigues, or a simple ensemble of his boots, cargo pants and a short sleeved T-shirt. [/hider] Job: Guard/Soldier [Hider= Biography] Jason was born to a computer programmer and a therapist in small town Kentucky, and went through life as a shut in until late Middle School. During this time, he didn't make many friends, and never hung out with them outside of school, making him a particularly lonely child. In 8th grade, he was recruited for his school's Cross Country team, and was slowly drawn out of his shell by the boys and girls on the high school team. He stuck with cross country all the way through college, where he majored in Computer Science with a minor in military science. Out of College, he enlisted into the Marines as a 2nd Lieutenant because he wanted to have the unique life experience. In the opening stages of the "Blackwater" incident, his unit was deployed to Europe to provide disaster relief to Paris. However, soon it became a combat deployment when the infected, and so much more, came after the Marines. Jason's unit was withdrawn with half his platoon either dead or infected. Promoted to Captain for his leadership, Jason was now in command of a company. His company was put in charge of managing and defending a small supply base in central Kansas. However, as the outbreak progressed, he went longer and longer without orders from higher up, until eventually they stopped coming. Jason's Company, at his command, looted the supplies and struck out for an airport in Toledo. There, the unit split into smaller groups, as some wanted to stay in the states, and some wanted to go elsewhere. Ultimately, Jason and 60 of his Marines flew to Brazil, where they held up for a time. Jason himself came to the Refuge much later, when his Marines had all separated. He was alone but with his combat gear still with him. He had wandered all over the world, hitching rides with planes and boats, until he came upon this place. It was organized enough and reminded him of his days in the military, so he settled down in The Refuge. There, though his experience as an officer was used, his training as a soldier was more valuable, so he serves as one of the better fighters in the compound. [/hider] [Hider= Skills/Talents/Traits] Skills and Talents: Leadership, Firearms Training, CQC (Close Quarters Combat) Training, Computer programming and assembly, Endurance Running Primary Skill: Combat Training. As a U.N.A Marine, Jason is deadly accurate with any rifle or pistol, and able to wield a KABAR combat knife with great effectiveness, along with his own fists. Hobby: Metalworking, he likes to put two seemingly useless things together to make something useful Talent: Can project his voice very far and loud Negative Trait: Poor hearing from long term exposure to gunshots [/hider] [hider=Gear] Canteen of Slush Military Ruck/Load Bearing Gear Canned Food: 15 Cans stowed in his ruck of various flavors KABAR Combat Knife M4A9 - US Military Issued Carbine. Fires 7.62 NATO Rounds with a 40 round clip. 250 Rounds held in 7 clips on his gear, one only partially full Colt Arms 2043 - .45 Caliber handgun, 10 round Magazine, 60 rounds on him at all times in 6 clips. Remington Arms 12-2010 - 12 Gauge shotgun, military issue, intended for breaching doors but more than capable of killing, 80 shells UNA-MC issue Machete Compass Crowbar Binoculars. Knee and Elbow Pads. 3-point weapon sling. (for rifle) Multipurpose tool kit. (Swiss army knife) Shoulder mounted light Ballistics Vest. Combat Helmet Gas Mask. First aid kit. [/hider]