Name:Albert Age:unknown (hes an imortal) Hieght:7 feet -3 inches Haircolor: curently white Hairlength:short long enough to get in his eyes though looks clothing: Top hat and suit sometimes a old cloak (depends on weather hes fighting or having tea) Weapons:Base ball bat and Syth Race: Imortal god of chaos (aka he is the ruler of the realm) Personality: Happy fun chotic deadly ghostly again depends if you piss him off or if hes had tea just HE MAD strength: ....I have noooo clue Weakness: Loves tea and is way over emotianal Bio:used to be a small child trapped in the insane asylume escaped and became the god of choas due to a white angle like girl who gave him a chanvce at a new life, he helps fight the fallen but mostly just parties and lives in a world he calls wonder land Family:None Friends: anyone who doesnt tick him off Extra:goes by the name hatter and HATES baths......also dont stick him near a map or in a mirror room so many hatters