Not a problem! I'll probably make a character sheet as we go along and add important character ideas, concepts and facts so that I have something quick and easy to refer to as we progress. Also, I'm thinking of adding an extra character or two to the group this time around so keep an eye out for them. [hider= Estella] A young adventurer ready to part ways with her friends and mentors to start an adventure of her own. Although young and naive, her temper and patience can be shorter than her short sword. [img] [/img] [/hider] [hider= Zed] As the second son of an earl, nobility surrounded him but although the birthright was given to his brother. With the knowledge of the land and of swordplay, the swordsman left the life of luxury during his youth to forge his own destiny. [/hider] [hider=Orin] A weathered but sturdy dwarf that is in search of a stolen jewel from years ago. Although a bit prejudiced against the elven race, he is mild tempered dwarf filled with stories from his youth. [img] [/img] Except with a battle axe [/hider]