Morgan took the Piper's warning to heart, even if he did give it with a sly smile. She tucked the envelope he had given her in her inner coat pocket where it would be safest from thieves. It seemed that while she was the guest of the King, this did not mean there wouldn't be those that would take the chance to steal her life. She would have to be extra careful in the days to come. A slight bow towards the Piper and a quick, "well met" was all she gave in response before she turned and headed back down the staircase. Morgan was deep in thought. She didn't like to be mixed up in all the political mess, especially if the Piper was right about it being a domestic disturbance. Prior to reaching the last stair, Morgan had decided that she would not return the party. This envelope was too precious to be toting around, and she needed to read it anyway to find out why she had been summoned from the Freelands. Upon reaching the hallway, Morgan turned and headed back towards her room.