"We still have the element of surprise, believe it or not, they don't know where we'll hit them, or how hard. The odd's are still in our favor, you could say. However, without Will and Cora, we'll likely suffer some loss. But this is to change that, so don't lose sight of that goal now." "Myself, Phil, Ghost, and Kimberly, we will be the assault team, our job is simply to kill as many Vygorns as we can, when you get the signal. Beau, Aerilyn, and Gilfred, Thema, you'll be creating a storm above the encampment as a diversion tactic, Gilfred and Thema should be there in case anything goes wrong a long the way, after that, your goal is to join us in the fight. We need a good distraction, and regardless of how much I give a shit about any human, id rather my arrow pierces a Vygorn heart.” It seemed as though fate was twisting Thema and Gilfred together again. Though they got along well and he was handsome, their two elements contrasted each other greatly. Fauna was the embodiment of life while metal was inanimate and cold. The thought of steel encasing her sent shivers down the young girls neck. She looked towards the metalbender and gave a small nod, hiding any hints of untrust she had. Thema traveled close to Gilfred. His powers sparked a range of emotions in her. Fear, unknowingness, and curiosity covered the basics. Eventually, she began to ponder what he thought about her abilities. Did he think she was some hippie freak who lived among the wilderness? [i]If that’s what he thinks, hed only be half wrong.[/i] The time had now come. This was the moment everyone was preparing for. Though she was worried, she had to stay strong for the group, for Cora, and for herself. Her job was to protect Aerilyn from any threats and that’s what she planned to do. Rubbing her ball of her foot into the ground, she deduced that even though it was ideal, the dirt would have to do. The thought crossed her mind of what would happen if they were to ever fight inside a building or if the floor were made of concrete, but she was unexpectedly interrupted as a large gust of wind nearly knocked her off her feet. She immediately reached out for Gilfred, trying her best to regain balance. It would be nearly impossible to protect her with such strong gusts knocking them down constantly and not to mention how hard it was becoming to breathe. Thema looked up towards Gilfred, unsure of what to do next.