"You can ask me anything, as long as it is in a polite respectful manner" William explained as he watched her turn away, he didn't mind. Not at all. She seemed to have disdain for him already, but that was somewhat natural considering she was new to being enslaved and he was was her master. She then told him that she was a female, just as William assumed, and did so too easily. There was absolutely no doubt in her voice to the point that he had no choice but to believe that she was telling the truth. After all William had only met so few people to lie about such, but that was only to be grouped with females. He watched her face wrinkle up as she seemed to focus on the bow "I figured keeping the bow would allow you to recall more delightful memories, not any bad ones." William explained. "How unfortunate, but you won't have to worry yourself about such creatures anymore, only humans" William said with a light laugh as she expressed wanting to bathe herself. He didn't quite understand it, but he doubted she made much sense to anyone. "Well if you'll wash yourself, I can at least show you around the house to the bathroom" he said before he began walking a little, expecting her to follow. She seemed rather close to her brother, such was to be expected seeing as they were both alone in the forest for quite sometime. "You'll find that jokes are hard to come by, Raphael but If like you he has been sold in the area, then it might be possible to find him." William said as he walked. It seemed he wasn't quite afraid of the bow or the idea about her making a break for the door.