[centre][b]Free Billy[/centre][/b] "Don't mention it! It was part of our job and we wouldn't let a partner unhelped... I know you would have done the same" Remia spoke to Arlette, meaning her words. After all, they had a story from their last mission. It was only natural Arlette was thankful. But then again, it was also obvious to Remia there was only one path to take in that situation. So in her innocent mind, there was no need to thank her. She saw the path and she took it. That was all. "If you really want to express your gratitude, let's just get along some more, okay?". She was in a rather good mood, lately. Maybe it was because of the change of scenery and the nice weather, compared the cold they had experienced for way too long. Eowyn seemed to be still a bit nervous as she spoke to this Nathair person. Remia thought there was something off about him. She decided to be wary. Not that she would be rude or anything but... was that a snake anyway?! The girl did not particularly like snakes and while she wasn't afraid of them -not when she could fight them-, she wasn't pleased by the presence of one. "Somewhere a little more quiet sounds good... I'm all up for that" she said, supporting Eowyn's decision. They may not have been extremely close but having worked together meant they could understand each other somewhat. However, before Remia could do or say anything else, that person, Mari, stated that she would go check the terrain and simply left. Remia sighed. "Oh dear... it seems this will be a difficult group..." she needed to say that out loud, somehow. She was well-aware that she could be a bit of an oddball in some senses. After all, she wasn't the type that made friends easily despite being kind and relatively cheerful. It was always as though she had built a barrier around her and she did not seem to connect with people, and did not seem to be able to have others connect with her. It was a trait she had 'inherited' from her sister, although Remia was a bit more skilled at hiding this fact. [centre][b]A Clayman's Finale[/centre][/b] Salia's idea hadn't quite gone exactly as she had expected. Or perhaps it had. They were alive and the first boulder had been stopped, even if at the expensed of being thrown against the wall and bouncing to the ground. It did hurt. However, the holder could stand still. Not in the greatest shape, but she was still fine, after all. However, it was clear she lacked the strength to stop a second boulder. Even if Adeline's spirit helped. Even then, it would be impossible to manage... "Ugh...! I have no idea!!" she replied to Adeline to the obvious question. The ground was shaking as if an earthquake was involved. Was that possible? It seemed too violent for it to be a trap... surely? She took the spear and helped herself stand up. It was important they reacted quickly, whatever they were to do! Salia smiled, as if she was looking down on herself, being unable to do anything but to accept the challenge that had presented itself. Adeline had Sonneillon to help and was in fact now scooping her up in its arms. The other girl, in the meantime, would have to protect herself. That was a bit more of a problem... "I say we move onwards!". It was reckless. But while the 'earthquake' was going on, no other boulder was coming towards them and apparently no trap was acting. It could be, or it may do so later on. But at that moment, it wasn't. Which was good news for them, Salia thought. "We may be able to do it!" she insisted, changing the spear to her sword. At that point, she even felt she would be able to successfully stop a boulder by destroying it with her sword. Such was her confidence at the point. Of course, if they were to succeed, confidence was one important thing they needed... [centre][b]Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon[/centre][/b] Normally, people would be taken aback by Fran's looks. However, Diane was absolutely delighted and kept conversating with the woman about the shades of her purple-dyed hair and praising the way the turban was bound so it looked like a scarf. Even though it was supposed to be a turban!! Diane thought it was genius. Diane herself was wearing loose clothes that mixed the sandy colours with the occasional spark of pink that she usually wore. Her hair remained relatively wild, as always, and she kept showing her amazement at nearly any little thing they saw. It was marvelous! Particularly, the glass walls, pillars and floors were striking. As they should be! Despite sometimes displaying traits of an airhead, Diane knew better and did not even get too close to these glass structures, knowing their temperatures would be really high. Of course, there were the lizards too, which the girl found quite cute. Common sense told her she should not get close. But she could surely get one of these? After all, the baby lizards had no teeth... how dangerous could they be? In the end, she deemed it better not to try anything that might put others in danger. "It IS amazing!!" Diane replied to Fran as she stated the obvious. Well, maybe not a country but a town... or a city... or a society anyway!!