Whoa, there's been a lot of posts since I've been working on my CS |D It's up in my previous post, just what I've come up with in a short while. I'll probably wake up tomorrow and add/remove/change a bunch of stuff, haha. If there's anything that needs to be adjusted, absolutely let me know, it's been a long, long while since I've planned for anything this intricate! I'm worried about potential overlaps but I checked repeatedly to try not to step on anyone else's toes, if you have any concerns I'd be happy to make changes. To clarify, I don't intend for my character to have any kind of medical knowledge in terms of being able to treat wounds or make salves or anything like that. Although I do think I should come up with another practical skill or two so she's not completely useless, heh. [s]I like making my characters weak?[/s]