Mikael sat through the meeting shaking his head. He didn't dare say anything, but if the team came down to a battle of races, Mikael knew which side he would pick. That being said, his rational side knew that if the team were to have any success outside of the compound, they would have to learn to work together. Being a human, Mikael was pretty sure he would go along with whatever the supernaturals decided to do. Granted, he knew how to slay a werewolf, and theoretically knew how to slay a vampire, but he knew he'd be thankful for both species' help in the near future. After the words died down, the tension was still thick in the air, so when David mentioned his name to Trixy, all he did was nod. While it would be his choice to befriend the vampires, he didn't want to get on her bad side. She was many lifetimes old, and chances were, he wouldn't last long alone if she couldn't stand him. That and he didn't really want a blood meal.With that thought, Mikael's stomach rumbled, reminding him of his hunger. Mikael stood, stretching his back and looking around the room. He had taken special note of the woman who had come in late. First, he had always liked redheads, and second, she was the only other human recruit. He figured she was as good of a place to make another friend as any. Mikael walked to the back of the room where she was still seated and extended his hand saying, "Hello there. My name's Mikael. What's yours?" Then, as a little flirtations gamble to see where he stood, he added, "It's not Gorgeous, is it? Because it definitely could be." His voice was smooth, the same smooth that helped him pick up his wife so many years ago. "Anyways, do you want to go down to the mess hall and grab something to eat?" Whether or not she flirted back didn't matter to him. The whole flirting thing was more of seeing where he stood in relation to her. If she went with it, then there could be something, and if she didn't, then Mikael would move on and just be friends. Either way, he wanted to eat, and soon.