[i]“I’ve made my decision.”[/i] The man pulled out a certain green pill and tossed it into his mouth. Right then, chakra radiated from the man. Katsu could see the chakra increase just before most people could feel the pressure and he dug the tip of his feet into the ground, preparing to get dragged across the dirt, protecting his face with his arms. Katsu saw the sudden movement and pulled out two shuriken, blowing air on their blades as they spun on his fingers. They were now surrounded by blades of wind, cutting through the air. He flicked his fingers forwards, sending the two shuriken flowing towards the area right in front of Lady Kaede, each following one another quickly. They would arrive their destination just as Kenta would, if he continued his assault, which was logical to assume. He hoped that this would at least slow the attack down quite a bit, either giving a deep wound or having the man leave an opening they could use. He didn't waste any time after throwing the shuriken. Katsu put his hands into the pouches in either side of his hips, where there were kunai with explosive tags attached. He swung them in the general direction, four of them hitting trees and the other two flying towards Kenta.