This is a WIP down below, so take everything with a grain of salt. ALthough, if any big no-nos please point them out and I will edit accordingly. [center] [img=] [/center] [center] Dᴇsᴜ Jᴀɴɢᴜʀᴜ [/center] [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Werecat/Weretiger [b]Occupation:[/b] Hunts wild game that are found along the forest like wild boars, deer, and oh, the occasional monster. Occasionally teaches classes in sparring in unarmed combat and armed combat. [b] Skills:[/b] Fistfights, sparring, hunting, prowling. Also, Desu being a furry feline tiger has acute and enhanced senses of hearing, eyesight (especially at night), and smell. [b]Powers:[/b] Desu has a variation of Lunar Manipulation and Lunar Empowerment. Desu can "absorb" moonlight. He becomes stronger, faster, more durable, etc. when he comes in contact with moonlight. Also once he's absorbed a good amount of lunar energy, he can release, from his palms, what he calls a "moon blast," a rapid and focused flash of pure, milky white light that can burn or singe flesh if it hits. [b]Inventory:[/b] [*]2 Glass Capsules of poison, in which he sparingly tips his large daggers in. He harvested the poison himself from poison dart frogs, which are very hard to find, much less hunt, which is way he doesn't use them that often. The poison is so brutal that just a nick would leave a victim in agony.[/*] [*]White medical bandages - either used for better grip on his dual blades, or to cover up a wound.[/*] [*]2 daggers - simple in design, but efficient in killing. The dagger's hilt is plain brown, the razor blades reflective. [/*] [b] History: [/b] Long before the fall, Desu's kind were kept in kinds of traveling zoos for the masses. They were laughed at, mistreated, and abused. It was a terrible life, always behind the bars of a cage, and in a way, bars of rage. When the fall came about, his kind was liberated from their traveling prisons, as no one funded traveling freak shows anymore in the end of the world. His ancestors lived in jungles and procreated quickly, turning a race that was dying with a little over 100 of them into five hundred. It was still a dizzyingly small number, but it was enough for them to keep up a steady population in the Natsuki Jungle. They lived well for around 45 years, but after an especially bad attack from the forces of the Gods, his race was nearly extinct, and they were forced to run. The weretigers split in many directions, most going north in hopes of hiding in the mountains, but Desu's grandfather was running blind. He knew not where he was going, living day by day. He eventually arrived to a young Kado Village, a welcomed sight. After months on the run, Desu's grandfather happily settled into his new home. Thanks to his feline senses of eyesight and hearing he was able to establish himself as an efficient and trustworthy hunter. By hunting at night as well, he was able to get game that other hunters simply couldn't get. He became a respected member of the community, known for his chivalry and his amnesty. Desu was born later on, and by this time the Janguru family was a well-established and trusted family line in the community. When he was a young boy, about seven, he saw a Guardian apprehend a thief who had attempted to steal a woman's mule. He remembered the swift and calculated motions of the Guardian, dispatching the thief with what was almost grace. He aspired to be one of them; a guardian. His father taught him the ways of the hunt from a young age, and trained him in armed combat, a specialty for the Were-tigers. Once he was around the right age, it wasn't hard to join the forces; his bloodline was well-represented and trusted. [b] Point of Interest:[/b] Jisatsu Bluff - A little ways off, on the edge of the forest lies a steep cliff face which after a 20 meter drop pointed rocks spear through the ground. The bluff has it's name for a reason, - Jisatsu meaning suicide in Japanese - and a dark story lies behind the simplicity of the sheer rock face. When the Kado first began, when darkness was supreme reign, the village was not as happy as it was as it is today. It was thought to be the world's end, and there was no hope left. A man named Yirigami Hitomi rallied a group of he and a good 4 other villagers to commit a suicide pact. Hitomi was a known lunatic, as many years running from the Gods had left him traumatized and crazy. He told his fellow villagers that they should keep their dignity, rather than let the gods claim their souls, they would sign the deed themselves. He and the villagers who thought it best linked arms and ran off the cliff, the person they had linked arms with dragging them off. If the fall didn't kill them, the rocks did. The razored rocks were plunged through their bodies, painting the ground a red, crimson and flowing river. These days, they say if you go to Jisatsu Bluff you get a foreboding feeling, and a severe case of the willies.