[B]Azuriel:[/b] "Hn...It's good, when I don't have to wait for the fruit to be in season, and have to worry about picking them in time before they spoil." Azuriel took noticed that he was more in a talking mood. It must be that he managed to get food into his stomach, he was in the middle of hunting for supper when he was captured. So it was a while since he last ate. Then again it could be that he's in one of his rare moods and just want to talk. "Do you might know how I can find out to if my sister is alive or something? She is my little sister after all." He said after finishing a couple more strawberries and absentmindedly adjusted the scarf he keeps wrapped around his neck. It wasn't completely a lie, Raphael is the youngest out of the two of them, which is truth, if you call a hour time difference younger. Hopefully he didn't notice that he wasn't completely telling the truth. Telling anyone that he was actually one half of a set of twins was something he don't want anybody to take advantage of. Never know who's out to get you. To keep his mind off his worries, he settled with eating on a apple. "What should I call you? If I can ask." [B]Raphael:[/b] "It's not that, it belonged to my brother. Found it in a clearing when I went looking for him. Was found way too easy." She said as she started to follow William with some hesitation. A quick glance at the door, and Raphael quickly pushed the idea from the back of her mind. She won't get very far before she was stopped and then punished for attempting to. If she learn the layout of the house, then maybe she can figure something out. What she already seen, the house was strange. The lack of light is going to mess up her sense of time, if it had not already. Putting the bow where it was over one shoulder, Raphael just shrugged her shoulders. Somehow she wasn't in the mood to talk anymore. When he said that Azuriel might be nearby by if he was sold in the area had caused her to get lost in her thoughts, since she still having troubles believing that he might have gotten himself captured the same as she was. At the mercy of a vampire that could easily kill her.