Felicia stared long and hard at the looming silhouette that was Cain. He was certainly unlike any ghost she'd ever seen. Or heard of, rather. She hadn't much experience with seeing such paranormal wonders and hoped not to make a habit of it. Nonetheless, his appearance gave her chills. Something about it didn't seem quite human. Unless be was a ghost of something else? "A face I think you saw before. I hadn't found the fairy yet when I appeared at the fish stand. Your eyes aren't deceiving you; my child. " "If you don't mind--" Felicia stepped to the side as if to get out of his way as he dove around and behind her. Peering under her arm and over her shoulder she was perturbed to see he seemed to have taken up residence in her shadow. She looked towards the graveyard, doing her best not to express how uneasy she felt having a ghost literally at her heels as she started walking in that direction.  "I'll stick with you until you've reached the graveyard. By then I hoped your masked friend will be there as well. You left quite the impression on him by the looks of it, but that's none of my business." That guy... right. Just what she wanted to talk about. "My name's Felicia," she said, changing the subject, "While I'm still convinced this isn't just a very vivid dream or fit of madness, I suppose I ought to thank you for helping us out back there. I don't know what would've happened if you hadn't come along. Either you must really need my help or you're far too kind.... Given that I'm merely a fish merchant, I'm tempted to think it's the latter, but either way... I appreciate it."