Liam When she arrived at the bar she gestured the bar tender that she wanted to order something from him as he was still helping his other customers. Now she tought about what did he even want to drink she couldnt think of something he would have liked since she didnt know him that well. Liam looked back at the table they were sitting at to try gesturing what he even wanted but he already seemed to be in a conversation with little feather that had joined their table. It might be nice to get something for her to, She had two problems now deciding what the boy wanted and what the little indian wanted. So she just recklessly ordered the same thing that she herself wanted to drink "Could I have three ice tea's please." The bartender took her money and placed down the drinks in front of her. While she waited she gazed around a bit seeing a large armoured man sitting on one of the chairs. The knight Bedivere had a quitw ordinary appearance it however was very intresting since he didnt even have a sword but a shovel with him. Liam picked up the ice tea's with both her hands and walked over to the knight to give her compliments about his armour "Ooo, You have a pretty ordinary cosplay I must say but its very well done." She placed a grin on her face as she moved towards her table again leaving the blue armoured knight alone again. Her red face seemed to be totally gone now after the small walk and she felt like she used to. As she sat down she immediatly stepped on the tail of Lion by accident but she didnt even notice Lion sitting next to her and kept her foot on his tail. She placed the drinks in front of her and started to talk to the Indian cosplayer "I bought a delicious iced tea for you. I hope you like it." She shoved the ice tea in front of little feather and looked over to Dani also placing the ice tea in front of him. "Sorry I forgot to ask what you wanted, I hope you dont mind." She gave an akward laugh at him as she placed her hand on the back of her head making it seem it was a little accident. Drow Drow was at her home packing out her stuff that just go here she placed some posters of super heros on the wall that reminded her about her childhood. She used to pretend she was a super hero sometimes when she played with her dad.But that is all way to long ago she continued on with her unpacking. placing her guitar next to her bed putting down some books on the shelfs and a small toy rabbit onto her bed she cant sleep without it. Drow finished unpacking her stuff and looked over to the other room. It felt lonely in the house since she didnt see her room mate yet. She felt so curious about who her room mate was if she liked her or if she was somebody that she would defenitly hate. She needed to get her mind of it and decided to play on her guitar to kill some time. As soon as she grabbed it a loud voice came from the middle of the island it seemed. Why would they need to get to the lounge area all of the sudden the only thing it could be was some sort of activity with everyone like a ghost hunt or something the forest would be great to do such things. Drow dropped down her guitar again next to her bed and quickly changed into something else. She was wearing a sea blue mini dress revealing her arms and legs the flower and scarf still remained on her body as she headed off towards the lounge area. Once she arrived there were already a lot of people they must have been close by or something. She saw a statue with armour sitting on a chair and gave it a closer look. She bended down in front of him with her hands on her knees Drow looked directly into the mask of Bedivere. She questionly turned her head slightly as she came a bit closer to the armour why did it have a shovel. Isnt it suppose to fight dragons and stuff with big iron swords. What can he do with a shovel punch them in the face well it felt less stupid now when she tought about it. She kept pondering at the statue and stayed with it the whole time. Save Save was getting bored in the pocket of Zivon there was nothing to do but float around a little and eavesdrop kn the conversation of Zivon and the girl. She surfed the web looking at her usual forums discussing about all sorts of thing but mostly about cosplay. She even searched the web for 'How to get out of a phone' but there werent any answheres about that either. It was clear she could move from devices and look through cameras but was there anything more then that. She could get to the real world in some way but there were some minor problems with that. Whatever she tried she couldnt move from the same spot but she could still talk and see and feel. It was probably better to do that then just stay in the phone the whole time. The phone vibratted for a moment and a girl floated right in front of Zivon she gave an enthusiastic "Hi" and gave the brightest smile in the world. Save tried to touch him but she just went straight through him 'im not real in this world anymore it seems' "Do you still remember me?" She gave a look at andromeda "I dont think we met yet" She reached out her hand to her while floating in mid air "Im Save" Her hand would probably just go through hers but it was just for the looks.