[b]Name:[/b] Jarl Ghelle [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Appearance:[/b] [img=http://www.przystan-literacka.pl/images/kylar_stern.jpg] A lean character, not very tall, standing around five feet nine inches. The first impression that he gives off is that of a small, lean character that wants no trouble. For all that first impressions are worth, anyways. His body is covered in lean, hard muscle, his clear green eyes are hard and gleaming with intelligence, and his black hair is cut short. His green eyes are his only distinguishing features, as the rest of his face is bland and easy to diguise. He is found dressing in all sorts of clothing, although when working and not in disguise, he tends to prefer a set of baggy clothes with a hood that are of a mottled grey color. [b]Profession:[/b] Private eye, with hints of trouble disposing. [b]Personality:[/b] He can put on just about any facade that he pleases. He is a consummate actor, after all, By himself, he has something of a drinking problem, and is a cold, cynical bastard with a heart of gold. He is incredibly intelligent, not only when it comes to book learning but street smarts as well, and he tends to have a scrappy way about him, and he can haggle for hours when he's in the mood. He has an unreasonable fear of the dark which he has overcome, but still bothers him at the worst times, and he dislikes insects, watchdogs, cats.... animals in general. The feeling is mutual in all but horses. [b]Equipment/Weapons:[/b] [url=http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41N3JbYcAyL.jpg]Pair of short sabers[/url], usually carried on his back, hidden, [url=http://www.knife-depot.com/images/product/90/388025.jpg]Six poisoned throwing knives[/url], three carried hidden in the sleeve of each arm, [url=http://genieinablog.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/axe-2.jpg]Axe[/url] and [url=http://www.ancientarms.biz/catalog/DSCN0028_karolijambia.jpg]Daggers[/url] carried on his belt, rope dart with a retractable head, which can be used for climbing, poisoning, or just being a fun trick to use in a fight, wrapped around his right arm, a selection of potions, for poisoning and distraction purposes, and a small crossbow, usually used for shooting poisoned darts since the size makes the dart too small to kill on it's own. [b]Abilities:[/b] Anything ranging from acting, chemistry, fighting to lock picking, free running and scaling. He was drilled in the various arts that were to be made useful when you are an assassin. While his fighting skills wouldn't match that of a train swordsman, he has an arsenal of mean tricks that he has no qualms over using to get an upper hand. [b]Brief Backstory:[/b] Born an orphan, or so he was led to believe, he was on the streets as soon as he could walk, stealing, pickpocketing and making a general niusance of himself by the time that he should have been learning a trade, apprenticing himself to one of the workmasters of the city. But no. He was part of a street gang from the time that he was a child. It was a life lived on one's wits and quick hands, one where a single false move or stupid trick could get you killed or maimed for life. He was lucky, he supposed. Girls his age were put to sell their bodies. Even some of the boys. It was discovered that he had some Magical talent early on, and he was brought in to be apprenticed by the Meisters, an offshoot of the Magical academy of the city that dedicated themselves to the arts of assassination. His master was selected, one Harmen Gu, a cruel, sadistic son of a bitch whose training consisted of a tough regimen of training and hard work. He beat Jarl on a regular basis, but once again, the boy thought himself lucky that he wasn't a girl. The last of Gu's apprentices was a girl, and he raped her on a regular basis to break her for his training. Thankfully, Gu's taste didn't extend to men. As he grew up, he found that he wasn't of the same caliber as Gu, who was the finest assassin of the city, when it came to head on fighting, but he was far the man's better when it came to intelligent fighting and using one's brain on a job. At the age of sixteen, Jarl graduated from his apprenticeship by performing an assassination in the noble's sector of the city. As he kept going at his work, him and Gu became rivals as the best in the business, with Gu's reputation being a obstacle for him, as he tended to get blood thirsty and killed in a more brutal and bloody manner than his clients liked. Eventually, the Meisters decided that they had had enough of Gu's destruction of their reputation and sent Jarl to kill him. It was a tough job, but Jarl knew Gu bertter than he knew himself, and he paid the young girl that was Gu's new apprentice to leave a door unlocked for him. Jarl got in and slit Gu's throat as he slept. After that assassination, Jarl seperated himself from the Meisters, telling himself that he had done enough for them. Of course, breaking ties with a guild like the Meisters was never easy, but after the heads became worried that he would come after them if they didn't leave him alone, besides the fact that they had lost many good operatives, they decided to leave him be. And thus, he followed a career that involved taking jobs of following people, finding out their dirty secrets, discovering where someone was hiding treasure or inheritance, and many jobs of the kind. [b]Guild Name:[/b] Assassin Guild, but better known in the street as the Meisters [b]Guild Head:[/b] Magus Magnus Arkenheim [b]Guild Description:[/b] An offshoot of the city's Academy of magic, the roots of it came from disgruntled mages who wanted to practice the forbidden arts. They are closely related to the underworld of Kartsburg, and the head of the Meisters is a kingpin of the crime underbelly of the city. Most of the assassinations carried out by them are given by the head, to keep him criminal empire growing, but they can be contracted from the outside to perform assassinations for those with fat purses and a willingness to get a job done. The Guild itself only accepts those who are magically talented, and they find no shortage of prospects with the many children gangs around the city, and they snatch these children before they are taken by the academy. [b]Magic Name:[/b] Assassination Magic a.k.a. Night Magic [b]Magic Description:[/b] Mostly having to do with the arts of getting around without being seen, in which the user can be taught to bend light around them, among other things, it can also include the art of disguises, glamours and magical poisons. It can alçso be used to enhance the users physical speed and strength, as well as to muddle the minds of those they want to avoid being seen by.