Ok everyone. The link appears to be dead, at least at the moment. Or at least to me. So, sorry. We'll continue elsewhere, what I'm going to do is create a GOOGLE DOC and utilize that. So, anyone who will be interested in using that will have to send me their email address so I can give you all access. Well, regardless, here is the link [url=https://drive.google.com/?ddrp=1#folders/0ByAQdjkJcCFoOFlYRFJLNjNFek0]SURVIVING GOOGLE DOC[/url] **EDIT For those of you who don't know, I need your email because access to EDIT is granted by you logging in via you email, which I approve to edit ** SO, I'm going to adjust the thread with the link at the beginning of the OOC so it'll be posted somewhere easy to find. More to come in a few. Az