So, something has been on my mind that I want to chat about. Let me start off by saying that I LOVE this roleplay so far and I don't really want much to change, but I want to clear some things up. When I write out my IC posts, I include my character's thoughts for the sake of character development and so that you guys (as fellow roleplayers) know what kind of a character she is. Just because [i]you[/i] can read what her thoughts are, however, doesn't mean that your characters know what they are. She is a vampire that is over 600 years old, and is very skilled in mental manipulation; She definitely can control her body language in a way that your characters simply cannot know what she is thinking. If you read back, Trixy always looks calm, friendly, and even a little flirtatious on the outside... if you read only her speech in quotations, you can see that she hardly says offensive things, she even admitted that she was willing to kill her own kind if she saw them as corrupt. I'm only saying all of this because a lot of your characters seem to have taken a bad first impression of her when I can hardly see what she said as "fighting like children" or "superior". But when faced with such accusations in person, however, Trixy won't take kindly to the judgement, and she will react, because she wants to be respected as much as everyone else. Anyway, I just wanted to get my thoughts out in the open. As I said, I love this roleplay so far... so yeah, sorry if I sound like a poop.