[i]Safe for ingestion[/i] Trixy thought to herself, as far as she knew, Vampires couldn’t get sick. She shrugged her shoulders slightly, figuring that the human probably knew what he was talking about. Béatrix is many things, but ‘scientist’ is not one of them. She was getting to taken by bloodlust to care about the temperature, anyway. Trixy's fangs descended with a quiet and almost feminine hiss before she sunk them into the side of the blood bag. If there was a straw, she didn’t really care, that wasn’t really her feeding style. The human doctor was right, the blood was of good quality, but the plastic taste from the blood bag tainted it still. Trixy finished the supply quickly and then looked up with a face resembling that of a person who had eaten a lemon for the first time. She locked eyes with David for a moment, wondering if he had the not quite pleasure of feeding in this way before.