[b]Elysia[/b] Sia rolled her eyes playfully as Jett teased her about giving into him the last time she told him she wouldn't be going home. How did he always manage to persuade her to do what he asked? It wasn't like she believed his sweet and innocent expressions. She knew him well enough to know that he was anything but. He'd always been her closest friend, though. No matter how much time passed without them seeing one another, or how many new people she met, Jett always remained her best friend. He just knew her completely and she, him. When he'd met Veronica, she'd kept her distance. After all, she had to travel with work, anyway. Still, she was glad she did. If she was really so jealous, she would have killed Sia for her relationship with Jett. "Wow, if I'd known she was that crazy I would have come to save you from her," she teased, though her voice was gentle in case he was still hurting a little. She reached forward and ruffled his hair gently before scooting over so that she could hug him. She gave him a gentle squeeze and kissed his cheek before pulling back to look at him. "You still didn't tell me how you're feeling. I didn't miss that, you know," she winked at him and reached forward for her beer again, finishing it in a few more gulps. "It's okay to be honest with me, you know. I'll still think you're a tough guy even if you're upset and missing her," she promised with a soft smile as she watched him. She hated to think he might be hurting over all of this and had to put up a front. He could be himself with her and she wanted him to know that. She wouldn't judge him and she certainly wouldn't tell anyone something he'd told her in private. Elysia stood and took their empty beers to throw them in the trash. "Want another?" she called from the kitchen. After all, she didn't plan on leaving anytime soon so they could just get drunk, or more drunk in her case, and catch up all night. It sounded far more fun than going home. Her parents could afford to wait a few more days. Even if she did go back, she wasn't marrying Jack. There was no way. She'd rather marry anyone else.