Allen woke up slowly, he could hear the sound of Eve snoring down the hall, he sighed knowing she would want him to stay home, his job was dangerous and everyday was day he might not come home, this thought sent a chill down his spine. Allen got to his feet and slowly got dressed slipping his clothes on and thinking to himself how, as long as it put Eve through school he would do whatever it took. Allen threw his jacket on and finished by placing his necklace around his neck he walked into her room where she was sleeping peacefully, "Be good at school today little wolf...I love you." He stepped out of her room and walked own into the living room, Elaine, his adopted mom, was sitting at the table, "You should look for a safer job Allen...I know i tell you that all the time...but..." Allen hugged her, "I know that you're right...but...this pays the best...and Eve needs the money..." Elaine hugged him tightly, "Just be safe...promise me you'll be safe?" Allen nodded and hugged her tightly one last time, "I'll be home for dinner mamma...See you then..." Allen stepped out the door and walked to the garage flipping his key as he did. Allen lifted the door and jumped on his bike and turned the engine over, The bike roared to life and he took off down the street going way to fast. As he passed some of the suburbs and houses he slammed a pothole at 45 miles an hour, time seemed to slow down to Allen in the next millisecond Allen threw his jacket off and transformed jumping off backward and letting his bike go skidding across pavement, while he himself rolled away taking minimal damage but still his arm was more than likely broken, Allen turned back to his human form holding his arm in pain and throwing his jacket haf back on and trying to pick up his bike with one arm.