Cool, a few more people and we can set up the OOC. For the setting I'm thinking a couple of hundreds of years after the development of nuclear fission which created a powerful and plentiful energy source, for the most part the technology is common place but there are parts of the galaxy where it is expensive and much sought after. Space travel is common but is far from instant FTL and warp jumps. Lazer weapons are used in ship combat but are very rarely seen as personal fire arms due to the amount of heat they produced, the same goes for shields. Humanity has spread out over the Milky Way but are yet to travel to other galaxies, while the planets close to earth are fluent are rich the more remote colonies still need a lot of work and struggle to get resources. Just a few things about the universe we should decide as a group 1. Aliens, yes or no? 2. What is the political situation? Stable and peaceful with one government? A number of warring factions? Government against rebels? Post interstella war? 3. What sort of ship are we using? A modified trader vessel? A weapon less cargo friegther? A stolen battle cruiser we can't quite operate? Also be thinking about the crew position you might go for.