[i]As you fall into slumber, you slip into a strangely lucid dream. The black veil of rest opens to reveal a dark cave. You check behind you to see there is no opening to the outside, the short but wide dome-like room is sealed on all sides by smooth marble stone. The only light source is a dying fire that sits in the center of the cave, casting your eerily long shadow against the wall you just inspected. As you turn back to the core of the room, you notice two things that weren't present before. The first is that the room is filled with ghostly-white figures, spirits, you assume. They silently roam the room, leaving a faint fog-like trail that quickly dissipates. The second, is nine obelisks, arranged in a circular pattern around the fire. You cautiously make your way past the spirits and inspect the statues. As you read the lines upon each one, you realize the insight that each one holds: the paths of nine different gods. Each one has a very powerful but distinct aura emanating from it, and after reading them all, your purpose becomes clear...[/i] Each god asks for the faith of disciples to carry out their bidding on Earth. Accepting the path of a god will grant you divine powers that will aid you in your quests. But choose wisely, because there is no turning back, and you might find that the choices others have made might not agree with yours... Will you accept a blessing of a god? Will you pave the way for their ideals, even when the disciples of others stand in your way? Or will you turn you back on the nine statues, and become Marked...