Nyx made sure to kick a bit of charm into action as she leaned into the hand on her cheek, fondly nuzzling it with a soft purr before she gave her an deceptively innocent smile and began following her again. Nyx was interested on how it would feel to have a vampire suck your blood, she hadn't always been leaping at the need to do it but it would be a rather interesting process. And anyway, if she wanted her way then she would need to feed this woman and that was something she didn't really mind. Carrying herself shyly, she moved into the room and stared at the walls of collars - there really was a vast multitude of ones to pick from that could brandish your personality or attempt to misguide others on it. For one of the only times ever, Nyx decided on something and didn't even think about how it would please her Mistress. Immediately, she moved over and picked up a simple black one that could only boast of some silver linings. Smiling, she tried to place it on but found it a weird and complicated process so she moved over to Momo and turned on the spot, offering her free reign to tighten the collar as she saw fit. The woman had no reason to harm her or tighten it too hard as Nyx had never done anything wrong apart from not sitting - which was admittedly, a bad start but she didn't mind much. Smiling, she stood and waited patiently for the older woman to help her out with her collar.