@Druby --- As Gabriel lashed out, so too did Di, swinging his knife through the air without aiming. Diraphus didn't see if it hit or not, and adrenaline flooded his bodies. Raphus kept their weapons trained on the alien as Di replaced his knife with a gun. Moving as one, he formed a half-circle around Gabriel, certain pitches of his mindsounds barely reaching the human range of hearing. "D-drop your weapons?" Diraphus' reply was perfect mimicry, apparently coming from Raph on Gabriel's left, though his mouth barely moved. The alien's mouth-noises meant nothing to the Pack, and he couldn't make out any mindsounds. Could it be some kind of automaton, or a trained warbeast without any intelligence? The body plan was unlike anything the scout had ever heard of: two arms, two legs, a stubby neck and a weird head. It seemed fleshy enough to be living, but of course, Diraphus couldn't see much. "D-drop your weapons?" The ever-shifting semicircle of Diraphus paused a moment as Raph repeated the alien's phrase. Then, the Pack started shifting around even faster than before, and all three heads were almost shouting at him as they circled and paced. "D-drop your weapons?" "D-drop your weapons?" "D-drop your weapons?" Amid the babbling chorus of mimicry, one member stopped a moment to fiddle with their radio, pressing a circular protrusion against their head tympanum. The packmember's speech sounded something like gobbling and a canid's whine as it began to relay information to the pilot. The other two members dared to step closer to the alien, still mimicking his earlier demand, jabbing toward him with their guns as they did so, trying to back him into a tree.